Quora Can You Draw Well

You have two main goals as a blogger:

Get traffic and build your authority.

What if I told you that you can do both through Quora?

Let me show you how.

Table of Contents

  • 1. A Brief Introduction to Quora
  • 2. Why Should You Use Quora to Generate Traffic?
    • 2.1 Increase Website Referral Traffic for Free
    • 2.2 Traffic From Day 1
    • 2.3 Hyper-Targeted Content Promotion
    • 2.4 Promote Other Types of Content
    • 2.5 Build Your Brand Authority
    • 2.6 Get Noticed by Other Publications
    • 2.7 Never-Ending Stream of Content Ideas
  • 3. How to Get Traffic From Quora
    • 3.1 Pick the Right Interests
    • 3.2 Start with a Killer Profile Bio
    • 3.3 Create a Topic for Your Brand
    • 3.4 Perform Content Research
    • 3.5 Use the Question to Develop a Full-Fledged Article
    • 3.6 Write Quora Answers Like a Pro
  • 4. What About Quora Paid Ads?
    • 4.1 Setting Up Your Quora Pixel Code
    • 4.2 Configuring Your Ad Targeting
  • 5. How to Track Quora Traffic
  • 6. Conclusion

A Brief Introduction to Quora

Quora is undeniably the biggest Question & Answer or Q&A site on the web right now.

As the name implies, a Q&A website is where users come to post their questions and have them answered by the community.

quora home page

The way I see it, it's the perfect setting for bloggers who want to showcase their expertise and get their target audience's attention.

Why Should You Use Quora to Generate Traffic?

Here's a quick breakdown of the main benefits of promoting your blog on Quora:

1. Increase Website Referral Traffic for Free

First and foremost, referral traffic is from users who come to your website by clicking a link from another site.

Did I mention that referral traffic is completely free?

Unlike paid traffic acquired through ads, you don't have to spend a single dime on referral traffic.

how to get free traffic from quora

Of course, Quora gives you an option to run ads and accelerate your results. This brings us to the next benefit of using Quora as a traffic generation channel.

2. Traffic From Day 1

If you know what you're doing, you can turn Quora into a traffic-driving machine for your blog in a single day.

how to get traffic from quora

One option is to build a Quora ad campaign and have your brand appear to users who ask about relevant topics. I recommend this route if you have funds to spare and if you already got your feet wet on pay-per-click or PPC advertising.

You can also get clicks as soon as you start if you have a well-planned Quora marketing strategy.

Why am I so confident?

Because, with Quora, you can position your content right in front of your ideal audience.

This leads us to the next point.

3. Hyper-Targeted Content Promotion

Want to promote your content to marketing managers or full-time bloggers? How about teachers, lawyers, or doctors?

On Quora, you can laser-target your content promotions to anyone you like.

target audience

The trick is to view the "Stats and Log" page of the questions you're trying to answer. This can be found on the 'More' menu.

quora view stats and log

This will reveal the complete history of the Quora post, including when it was posted and who asked the question.

quora questions added

Fortunately, most users make it a point to include complete details of their profession on their profile — making it possible to generate high-quality leads from Quora.

Although you may find a few users who ask questions anonymously, the chances of that are slim.

quora elisha kramer

4. Promote Other Types of Content

Quora not only allows text-based answers — you may also include videos, images, social media handles, quotes, and customized links to your content.

quora editor

You know what that means, right?

If you happen to have the knack for creating infographics, eBooks, videos, or online courses, you can promote it directly to Quora users.

quora content types

Whether or not you choose to include various content types in your answers, being active on Quora positions yourself as the blogger who knows your stuff.

how to build authority on quora

Sure, it won't happen overnight. But if you remain consistent in the quality of information you provide the Quora community, you're well on your way there.

6. Get Noticed by Other Publications

If you fancy guest blogging or being interviewed by top publications, Quora will help pave a way for you.

In case you didn't notice, authoritative marketers, agencies, fellow bloggers, and even executives also utilize Quora as a promotion channel.

quora influencer

Showcasing your knowledge through cohesive and insightful answers is one way to get their attention. You can also interact with them by leaving comments on their answers.

7. Never-Ending Stream of Content Ideas

As a blogger, you should know how tough it is to come up with fresh content ideas on a regular basis.

Quora might be the answer to your problems with its never-ending ending pool of content ideas waiting for you to discover. For every post, it provides a network of related questions that you can use in your next blog post.

quora related questions

Using the search bar, entering a couple of keywords may also help you generate ideas right off the bat. While most of the suggestions need some refining, it shouldn't be hard to tweak them into usable content titles.

quora search suggestions

How to Get Traffic From Quora

Pumped to get started with Quora marketing?

Then let me show you how to use Quora to get traffic.

Step 1: Pick the Right Interests

Upon creating your account, Quora will ask you to specify your fields of interest, which will be added to your feed. This will make it easy for you to find relevant questions to answer later on, so be sure to choose everything aligned with your niche.

You need to select at least 10 topics before you can complete your registration.

quora interests

Step 2: Start with a Killer Profile Bio

Just like with social media marketing, you need an awesome author bio to establish a solid presence on Quora.

A good chunk of your profile's configuration involves basic steps, like adding your profile photo and filling in your name. What you need to pay attention to, however, are your credentials and description.

quora ankit singla

Your description doesn't have to be an entire article's worth of words — just keep it short, straightforward, and impactful.

You can simply enumerate your job experience, what you do, and maybe a couple of your hobbies. You can also list down the websites you've been featured in if you've been actively guest blogging.

Your profile should also contain links to relevant pages, such as your website or social media profiles.

quora profile description

Whenever other Quora users visit your profile, they're all asking the same questions:

Who is this person and why should I trust him?

Your Quora profile should address those doubts with a complete record of your credentials. All these can be found and edited at the right-most section of your profile.

If you work for a popular company, be sure to select the official Quora "topic" for your company.

Remember, Quora doesn't have business pages — even for big-name brands — per se. Rather, companies are treated as topics that users can follow and form discussions around.

For example, if you are a tech blogger working as a software engineer on Facebook, you may select either the topic for the company or the core product itself.

facebook topics

If your brand isn't registered as a Quora topic yet, you can do so yourself by scrolling to the bottom of the list and clicking 'Create Topic.'

quora create topic

This takes us to the next step you should take.

Step 3: Create a Topic for Your Brand

After you create your brand's topic on Quora, you should be able to find it in the search suggestions. Go ahead and click on it to view your topic page.

quora brand topic

Unlike Quora profiles, you can't write a description for your brand topic. You can only add an official topic photo, modify the name, manage topic "aliases," and merge it with existing topics.

quora topic page

To manage your topic's aliases, click the three-dot settings button, select 'Manage,' and click 'Add Alias.'

quora topic alias

Aliases help users find your topic through common misspellings, abbreviations, and alternative spellings for your brand. In my case, I can use the "MasterBlogging" as an alias for people who have only seen my logo.

masterblogging alias

Step 4: Perform Content Research

Once your profile and brand topic are all set, it's time to get to work.

Quora is an excellent source of content ideas that your target audience wants to read about. However, not all questions are made the same.

Some questions are already saturated with answers while others barely get any attention at all. What you want to answer are posts that have a ton of followers with only a few answers to match the demand.

That's why finding the right questions is one of the new skills you should refine if you want to learn how to use Quora effectively.

You can find these metrics by navigating to one of the topic pages on your feed and going to the 'Answer' tab.

answer tab

As a rule of thumb, try to find questions with an answer-follower ratio of 1:5. That means a post with at least five followers and one answer or less, which maximizes your chances of getting the high votes.

answer follower ratio

Step 5: Use the Question to Develop a Full-Fledged Article

Your next step is to plan and craft top-notch content that answers the question in detail.

Ideally, you already have a couple of blog posts that align with the topic at hand. If not, take this as an opportunity to write exactly what the Quora user is looking for.

In relation to the example above, you can write something about the best marketing strategies for startups with some examples. You may also create a listicle of successful startups while highlighting the strategies that spearheaded their marketing.

content topic

It's all about providing value not just through knowledge alone, but actionable steps that can position your brand as the go-to source of information.

For tips on how to write awesome blog posts that will earn the trust of Quora users, click here.

Step 6: Write Quora Answers Like a Pro

Got your content ready?

Great — the next step is to naturally insert the link to your content in your answer.

Since you crafted the content specifically for this question, it should blend in nicely. You just need to focus on the quality of your answer, which will help you get more upvotes, exposure, and traffic.

Here are surefire ways to guarantee this:

  • Use Visual Content
    Just like your regular blog posts, Quora answers with visual content have a better chance of snagging the audience's attention. These can be screenshots, infographics, YouTube videos, and so on.
  • Be Exhaustive
    Remember that Quora marketing has become competitive due to the platform's ever-increasing popularity. If you are to answer a question, cover as much ground as possible and give users no reason to look for other answers.
  • Use Proper Formatting
    To improve the readability of your answer, break down sections into subheadings. You can also create bulleted or numbered list to enumerate relevant information.
  • Write Using Natural Language
    Quora answers never need to be structured like full-fledged articles with thousands of words. Try to use simple language, be direct, and be conversational to connect with users on a more emotional level.
  • Be Careful with Links
    Lastly, while you have the option to insert a link to a landing page, only do so if it makes sense. You don't want your answer to look self-serving by containing lots of promotional links.

The final step is to answer similar questions while providing the same link to your content. Just like before, pick the questions carefully and write your answers differently each time.

Putting it all together, here's a quick look at how I write my Quora answers:

quora answer ankit singla

What About Quora Paid Ads?

Now that we talked about strategies to generate traffic to your blog for free, it's time to focus on paid Quora ads.

All the magic happens in your 'Ads Manager,' which you can access by clicking your profile photo on the top bar.

quora ads manager

Step 1: Setting Up Your Quora Pixel Code

On the Ads Manager page, your first task is to set up your Quora pixel so you can measure your results. Do this by navigating to the 'Pixels & Conversions' tab and copying the base pixel code into the "head" section of your website.

quora pixel

Next, you need to specify the kind of action you want to track on your website, such as adding products to a cart, completing a purchase, and subscribing to your newsletter. Again, you need to copy the code into the pages where the action occurs.

quora event code

That's about it for the preparation phase.

At this point, you're ready to create your first Quora campaign. Simply head back to 'Manage Ads' tab and click 'Create Campaign.'

create ad campaign

If you're experienced in PPC advertising, you should feel right at home. The typical steps include naming your campaign, choosing your objective, and managing your ad budget.

configure ad type

Step 2: Configuring Your Ad Targeting

The next page is where you can configure your ad targeting.

Aside from the usual stuff like a target location, device, and topics, Quora lets you choose the primary type of content you wish to advertise to:

configure ad

Below is a quick rundown of the targeting types that Quora uses:

  • Topic Targeting
    Show your ads to users who view specific topics.
  • Question Targeting
    Show your ads to users who are reading or have read specific questions.
  • Audience Targeting
    Show your ads to users who match your criteria.
  • Interest Targeting
    Show your ads to users who are interested in certain topics.
  • Keyword Targeting
    Show your ads on questions with broad or phrase keyword matches.
  • Broad Targeting
    Target a broad segment of Quora users.

Finally, constructing your ad requires you to choose a specific ad format and fill in the necessary elements. You can use an image, write the text yourself, or simply promote an answer that you've already submitted.

Quora's Ad Manager's interface makes sure that this process is an absolute breeze.

create quora ad

Congratulations! You can now launch your ad and start generating traffic to your website.

Just don't forget to closely monitor the performance of your ads so you can make the right adjustments over time.

Speaking of monitoring, you also need to monitor your Quora traffic to verify if your strategy is working. Luckily for you, that's exactly what we'll talk about next.

How to Track Quora Traffic

In any marketing strategy, tracking your results to know which aspects need improvement is critical.

For your Quora marketing efforts, Google Analytics is the answer – more specifically, Urchin Tracking Module or UTM codes.

Put simply, a UTM code pertains to bits of text that you attach to a link. It then relays information about the link, including its source and medium, to Google Analytics.

Here is an example of a UTM code attached to one of my own links:

utm code source

Looking at the code, you don't need to be an expert to know exactly what it does. Basically, it tells Google Analytics that the source of your traffic is none other than Quora.

The UTM parameter "source" is used here, but you can also add others to give more context to the link – namely "medium" and "campaign."

These additional parameters are useful if want to track the effectiveness of certain promotion strategies, such as newsletters or webinar launches.

Bear in mind, it's important for you to verify your ownership of your website on Google Analytics before you use UTM codes. If you haven't done this yet, I suggest you check out this guide from Google.

To create the UTM codes for your Quora links, you need to fire up the Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder, which looks like this:

campaign url builder

As you can see, you simply need to fill in the "Campaign Source" field with the word "Quora" or anything similar. Of course, you can't forget about the complete website URL of the content you're linking to.

You may also define the "Campaign Medium" and "Campaign Name" parameters here, but to keep things simple, let's just go with the source.

campaign url builder source

That's it! Traffic that goes through that link will now be tracked.

The data on your Quora traffic should now be available on your Google Analytics account.

All that's left to do is go to 'Acquisitions' and click on 'Channels' under 'All Traffic.' Just be sure to select a specific "Primary Dimension" to find the information you're looking for.

In this case, we need to select "Source" and look for the word "Quora."

Google Analytics traffic source


As long as there are questions to be answered, Q&A websites like Quora are powerful tools for bloggers and online marketers alike.

Hopefully, this article can guide you on your way to becoming a Quora thought leader.

Will it take a while? Yes.

Will it be hard? Sure.

Will it be worth it in the end? Absolutely.

What's important is you start with the right foundations and learn to turn your ideas into action. Good luck!


traffic from quora

traffic from quora

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, digital entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. He is the founder, writer, and content strategist behind Master Blogging. With over 11 years of blogging experience, he helped countless aspiring bloggers achieve their dream of building a profitable blog. Get to know him better on his about page or tune into the official Master Blogging Community on Facebook.

Quora Can You Draw Well

Source: https://masterblogging.com/get-traffic-from-quora/

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